Thursday, September 18, 2008


The St. Arnold Janssen Foundation (SAJF) is pleased to announce the start of the 4th Season of its GOSPEL MUSIC FESTIVAL.

The first round of competitions is on October 25, 2008 and will be held at Ratsky Tomas Morato in Quezon City.

The Festival is open to Music Ministry Bands and Choral Groups. Participating teams will be required to perform two renditions: a common competition piece and a piece of the team's own choosing (may be an original composition).

For this Project, we created a Yahoo Groups account where interested parties can access and even download information about the Festival. Below are the location and the email address.

http://groups. group/gospelmusi cfestival

The Festival Mechanics, Entry Forms, media files of the Common Competition Piece/s and other important documentation will soon be available and downloadable from the Yahoo Groups account. Downloadable from the Files section is the Invitation.